Sunday, January 6, 2013

Least Stressful Job In America Is ... - Careers Articles

least most stressful jobs

With all the challenges facing today's working Americans, having a low-stress job can go a long way toward improving quality of life. What makes a job low stress? says it's a combination of factors, including work environment, job competitiveness and risk.

The employment website recently examined more than 200 different professions to determine which jobs offer the least (and most) stress, and the results below may surprise you. Some of the jobs pay modestly -- under $30,000 a year -- but others pay more than $50,000 a year.

And contrary to what you might imagine, the least stressful job in the U.S. -- at least according to -- is also the one that requires the most education and training.

Take a look, and then let us know: Which do you think is the least stressful job in America?

10 Least Stressful Jobs of 2013

  1. Drill Press Operator
    Median Annual Salary: $31,910

  2. Librarian
    Median Annual Salary: $54,500

  3. Hair Stylist
    Median Annual Salary: $22,500

  4. Dietician
    Median Annual Salary: $53,250

  5. Audiologist
    Median Annual Salary: $66,660

  6. Medical Laboratory Technician
    Median Annual Salary: $46,680

  7. Jeweler
    Median Annual Salary: $35,170

  8. Medical Records Technician
    Median Annual Salary: $32,350

  9. Seamstress or Tailor
    Median Annual Salary: $25,850

  10. University Professor
    Median Annual Salary: $62,050

Also, check out CareerCast's list of The Most Stressful Jobs of 2013.

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David Schepp

David Schepp

David Schepp has spent more than a dozen years covering business news for the electronic and print media, including Dow Jones Newswires, BBC News, Gannett Co., and most recently at AOL's DailyFinance. Nearly 10 years ago, he started writing a weekly People@Work column, looking in depth at issues facing workers in today's workplace. Follow David on Twitter. Email David at



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