Sunday, June 30, 2013

Ecuador president: Snowden can?t leave Moscow

PUERTO VIEJO, Ecuador ? National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden is "under the care of the Russian authorities" and can?t leave Moscow?s international airport without his U.S. passport, Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa told The Associated Press Sunday.

Correa said he had no idea Snowden?s intended destination was Ecuador when he fled Hong Kong for Russia last week. He said the Ecuadorean consul in London committed "a serious error" without consulting any officials in Ecuador?s capital when the consul issued a letter of safe passage for Snowden. He said the consul would be punished, although he didn?t specify how.

Correa said "the case is not in Ecuador?s hands" and said Snowden must assume responsibility if he broke U.S. laws. Correa said the broader legitimacy of Snowden?s action must be taken into consideration and Ecuador would still consider an asylum request but only if Snowden is able to make it to Ecuador or an Ecuadorean Embassy to apply.

"This is the decision of Russian authorities. He doesn?t have a passport. I don?t know the Russian laws, I don?t know if he can leave the airport, but I understand that he can?t," Correa said. "At this moment he?s under the care of the Russian authorities. If he arrives at an Ecuadorean Embassy we?ll analyze his request for asylum."

The U.S. is seeking the former NSA contractor?s extradition for leaking secret documents that, among other things, detail U.S. surveillance of international online activity. On Sunday, German magazine Der Spiegel reported that classified documents taken by Snowden also revealed U.S. spies had allegedly bugged European Union offices.

Correa?s Sunday statement appears to contradict Russia?s repeated statements that Snowden is not on Russian territory because he has not left the airport transit area, and he is free to depart whenever he likes. Russian authorities restated that position Sunday in response to Correa?s comments.

Without entirely closing the door to Snowden, whom Ecuadorean authorities strongly praised earlier in the week, Correa appeared to be telegraphing that it?s unlikely the 30-year-old leaker will ever end up in Ecuador. He repeatedly emphasized the importance of the U.S. legal process and praised Vice President Joe Biden for what he described as a courteous and appreciated half-hour call about the Snowden case on Friday.

He similarly declined to reject an important set of U.S. trade benefits for Ecuadorean exports, again a contrast with his government?s unilateral renunciation of a separate set of tariff benefits earlier in the week.

"If he really could have broken North American laws, I am very respectful of other countries and their laws and I believe that someone who breaks the law must assume his responsibilities," Correa said. "But we also believe in human rights and due process."

He said Biden had asked him to send Snowden back to the United States immediately because he faces criminal charges, is a fugitive from justice and has had his passport revoked.

story continues below

"I told him that we would analyze his opinion, which is very important to us," Correa said, adding that he had demanded the return of several Ecuadoreans who are in the United States but face criminal charges at home.

"I greatly appreciated the call," he said, contrasting it with threats by a small group of U.S. senators to revoke Ecuadorean trade privileges. "When I received the call from Vice President Bide, which was with great cordiality and a different vision, we really welcomed it a lot."

Copyright 2013 The Salt Lake Tribune. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Ovarian Cancer & Pets; Dogs Saving Grapes; Revolucion Welcomes ...

By Steve Dale, Saturday at 9:59 am

Ovarian Cancer & Pets; Dogs Saving Grapes; Revolucion Welcomes Dogs: Steve Dale's Pet World

Ovarian Cancer Symptom Awareness (OCSA), Vallie Szymanski, executive director and co-founder and Dr. Kris Junkas talk about how and why OCSA has partnered with veterinary medicine on Steve Dale's Pet World, 1:05 CST on WGN Radio, 720 AM or on June 29.

OCSA is a Chicago non-profit launched in 2010 to educate the public about a form of cancer that doesn't get much press. And we'll discuss both this unique tie-in with the veterinary community as well an upcoming fundraising event (Susan M. Roman veterinary scholarship award dinner) at the Signature Room, on Sunday, July 21. ?Learn more about this interesting partnership HERE.?

At 1:135 in our Animal News from Around the World segment, we thank dogs' noses for saving our beloved and near and dear to our hearts California wines.

Dining with Fido, at 1:40 features a Mexican restaurant on the route of Sunday's Gay Pride Parade where dogs are welcome to watch all the tail wagging in the parade itself, Revolucion Mexican Steakhouse, 3443 N. Broadway.

Steve also answers your pet behavior questions:??312-981-7200, or?Text 24-720.

At 10:30, Steve is on the Bill Moller show on WGN Radio talking fireworks and pets, and what you might do now to help ease anxiety.??



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'First bionic eye' retinal chip for blind

June 29, 2013 ? University Hospitals (UH) Eye Institute will be one of the first medical centers in the United States to offer the Argus? II Retinal Prosthesis System ("Argus II").

The Argus II is the first and only "bionic eye" to be approved in countries throughout the world, including the U.S. It is used to treat patients with late stage retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Argus II was developed by Second Sight Medical Products, Inc., located near Los Angeles.

In preparation for the launch of Argus II later this year, implanting centers, including UH, will soon begin to accept consultations for patients with RP. UH is one of a select number of medical centers in 12 major markets in the nation, and the only one in Cleveland and the state of Ohio, chosen by Second Sight to offer the Argus II, which received FDA approval earlier this year.

Argus II works by converting video images captured by a miniature camera, housed in the patient's glasses, into a series of small electrical pulses that are transmitted wirelessly to an array of electrodes on the surface of the retina. These pulses are intended to stimulate the retina's remaining cells resulting in the corresponding perception of patterns of light in the brain. Patients then learn to interpret these visual patterns thereby regaining some visual function.

"This is a remarkable breakthrough," said Suber S. Huang, MD, MBA, Director, UH Eye Institute's Center for Retina and Macular Disease, who also served as the Independent Medical Safety Monitor for clinical trials of the system and gave the summary closing to the FDA Ophthalmic devices panel.

"The system offers a profound benefit for people who are blind from RP and who currently have no therapy available to them. Argus II allows patients to reclaim their independence and improve their lives."

RP is a rare inherited, degenerative eye disease that often results in profound vision loss to the level of bare light perception or no light perception. It affects nearly 100,000 Americans. Noted Cleveland businessman and professional sports owner Gordon Gund is blind from this disease.

"We are thrilled that several of the nation's top hospitals will be the first to offer Argus II to patients in the U.S.," said Brian Mech, Vice President of Business Development, Second Sight. "After an intensive and difficult selection process, these sites were chosen for their cutting-edge approach to medicine and unparalleled commitment to patient care. We are confident that RP patients seeking treatment at these centers will benefit greatly from the best-in-class services these sites provide."

Argus II had more than 20 years of work in the field, three clinical trials, more than $100 million in public investment by the National Eye Institute, the Department of Energy, and the National Science Foundation, and an additional $100 million in private investment.


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First week of testimony in Martin case wraps up

SANFORD, Fla. (AP) ? The first week of George Zimmerman's second-degree murder trial wrapped up with testimony from two neighbors and a police officer that seemed to bolster the defense's argument that he was pinned on his back by Trayvon Martin before shooting the teen.

Neighbor Jonathan Good testified Friday that it appeared the unarmed teen was straddling the neighborhood watch volunteer, while another neighbor, Jonathan Manalo, said Zimmerman seemed credible when he said just after the fight that he shot Martin in self-defense. Officer Tim Smith testified that Zimmerman's back side was covered in grass and wetter than his front side.

All three were called as witnesses for prosecutors who are trying to convict him of second-degree murder.

Good, who had perhaps the best view of any witness, said he did not see anyone's head being slammed into the concrete sidewalk, as Zimmerman claims Martin did to him. Good initially testified that it appeared "there were strikes being thrown, punches being thrown," but during detailed questioning he said he saw only "downward" arm movements being made.

Zimmerman has claimed that he fatally shot 17-year-old Martin in February 2012 in self-defense as the Miami-area teen was banging his head into the concrete sidewalk behind the townhomes in a gated community.

Under prosecution questioning, Good said he never saw anyone being attacked that way. Good said he heard a noise behind his townhome and he saw what looked like a tussle when he stepped out onto his patio. He said he yelled: "What's going on? Stop it."

Good testified he saw a person in black clothing on top of another person with "white or red" clothing. He said he couldn't see faces but it looked like the person on the bottom had lighter skin. Martin was black and was wearing a dark hoodie. Zimmerman identifies as Hispanic and was wearing a red jacket. Good was back inside calling 911 when he heard a gunshot.

"It looked like there were strikes being thrown, punches being thrown," Good said.

Later, under cross-examination, he said that it looked like the person on top was straddling the person on bottom in a mixed-martial arts move known as "ground and pound." When defense attorney Mark O'Mara asked him if the person on top was Martin, Good said, "Correct, that's what it looked like." Good also said the person on the bottom yelled for help.

Zimmerman, 29, could get life in prison if convicted of second-degree murder. Zimmerman followed Martin in his truck and called a police dispatch number before he and the teen got into a fight.

Zimmerman has denied the confrontation had anything to do with race, as Martin's family and their supporters have claimed.

Manalo, whose wife had testified earlier in the week, was the first neighbor to step outside and see what happened with his flashlight after he heard a gunshot. He took cellphone photos of a bloodied Zimmerman and Martin's body, and those photos were shown to jurors on Friday. Manalo also described Martin's hands as being under his body.

Manalo said Zimmerman didn't appear shocked and acted calmly. After police officers arrived and handcuffed Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer asked Manalo to call his wife and tell her what happened.

Manalo started to tell Zimmerman's wife that her husband had been involved in a shooting and was being questioned by police when "he cut me off and said, 'Just tell her I shot someone,'" Manalo said.

Under cross-examination, Manalo said when he asked Zimmerman what happened, the neighborhood watch volunteer told him, "I was defending myself and I shot him."

"From what you could tell at that moment, that seemed completely true?" asked defense attorney Don West.

"Yes," Manalo said.

Smith, the police officer, testified that when he saw Zimmerman after the shooting, the neighborhood watch volunteer's backside was covered in grass and wetter than his front side, bolstering defense attorneys' contention that Martin was on top of Zimmerman.

As he walked to the squad car after he had been handcuffed, Zimmerman told the officer that "he was yelling for help and nobody would come help him," Smith said.

"It was almost a defeated ... a confused look on his face," Smith said.

Smith said Zimmerman described himself as "lightheaded" during the drive to Sanford Police Station but declined an offer to take him to a hospital.

The physician's assistant who treated Zimmerman the next day said that Zimmerman complained of feeling nauseated upon reflecting what had happened. But Lindzee Folgate attributed that to psychological factors rather than any physical condition. She also said it appeared his nose was broken, but it was impossible to say for sure since no X-rays were taken. She recommended he see an ear-and-nose doctor and a psychologist.

When O'Mara asked if abrasions on his head were consistent with someone who had his had slammed into concrete, Folgate said, "it could be consistent, yes."

She also testified that Zimmerman had written on a form reciting his medical history that he was exercising three times a week by doing mixed martial arts, a statement that prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda asked her to repeat.

Paramedic Stacy Livingston, who responded to the shooting scene, testified Zimmerman had a swollen, bleeding nose and two cuts on the back of his head an inch long. When O'Mara asked if Zimmerman should have been concerned with his medical well-being because of his injuries, Livingston said, "Possibly."

When photos of Martin's body were shown on a courtroom projector during Livingston's testimony, Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton, looked away and blinked back tears.


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Songza introduces paid ad-free service that costs $0.99 a week

Songza introduces paid adfree service, costs $099 a week

Songza joined the ad-free music streaming club today with a club of its own: Club Songza. Like the premium services on Spotify and Slacker, you'll have to cough up a few pennies to belong -- about 99 of them a week, to be exact. Listening to music without commercial interruption isn't the only benefit however; apparently paid subscribers will get additional goodies like twice as many skips and access to more premium content as well. Songza diehards can go ahead and sign up for the service at the source, though we should remind you that there are always cheaper options for your music fix.


Via: TechCrunch

Source: Club Songza, Songza


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UNC women grab NCAA's Capital One cup

Under Athletic Director Bubba Cunningham, UNC-Chapel Hill women won this year's Capital One Cup.

Maybe the legendary UNC basketball coach Dean Smith predicted this would happen one day. ?This is a women?s soccer school,? he once said during an interview with Football News Magazine.

Well, turns out that the UNC women?s soccer squad?s victory in the 2012-13 championship, along with lacrosse and indoor tennis titles, propelled the UNC women?s athletic program to the top of the Capital One Cup standings.

The Cup is awarded annually to each of the best men?s and women?s Division I college athletics programs in the country. Points toward the Capital One Cup are earned and tracked throughout the year based on final standings of NCAA Championships and final official coaches? polls.

UNC women?s athletics finished with 140 points, besting No. 2 Stanford?s 129.5.

On the men?s side, Duke University grabbed the fifth spot, with a total of 82 points. The UCLA Bruins topped that list with 92 points.

Capital One will award a combined $400,000 in student-athlete scholarships and the Capital One Cup trophy to the two winning schools at the ESPY awards in July.

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3rd man arrested in case involving ex-NFL player

BRISTOL, Conn. (AP) ? A man arrested in Connecticut in connection with the murder case against former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez was being sent to Massachusetts on Friday, and investigators said a third suspect was arrested in south Florida.

Massachusetts State Police said local officers in Miramar, Fla., captured Ernest Wallace early Friday afternoon, hours after a Connecticut judge ordered Carlos Ortiz turned over to Massachusetts authorities.

New Britain State's attorney said investigators arrested the 27-year-old Ortiz in Bristol on Wednesday as part of the inquiry into the slaying of Boston semi-pro football player Odin Lloyd.

Hernandez is charged with murder in the slaying of Lloyd near Hernandez's home in North Attleborough, Mass. He has pleaded not guilty and is being held without bail.

Ortiz was charged in Connecticut as a fugitive from justice. His public defender, Alfonzo Sirica, declined to comment about the case.

Also Friday, Massachusetts authorities said officers had recovered a car linked to Wallace.

Authorities revealed Thursday night that they were seeking Wallace, who they said should be considered armed and dangerous, on a charge of acting as an accessory after Lloyd's murder.

Police arrested Hernandez on Wednesday at his Massachusetts mansion and charged the 23-year-old with orchestrating Lloyd's execution-style shooting, allegedly because the victim had talked to the wrong people at a nightclub.

A judge denied Hernandez' bail appeal Thursday in a Massachusetts courtroom, where a prosecutor said a Hummer belonging to Hernandez turned up an ammunition clip matching the caliber of casings found at the scene of Lloyd's killing.

Hernandez's lawyer argued his client is not a risk to flee and the case against him is circumstantial.

On June 16, the night before the slaying, a prosecutor said, Hernandez texted two unidentified friends and asked them to hurry to Massachusetts from Connecticut.

A few minutes later, he texted Lloyd to tell him he wanted to get together, the prosecutor said. Authorities say the three picked up Lloyd at around 2:30 a.m. June 17, drove him to an industrial park near Hernandez's home and shot him five times. They have not said who fired the shots.

Meanwhile, Lloyd's relatives were preparing for his funeral in Boston on Saturday. A relative said the service will be at Church of the Holy Spirit in the city's Mattapan section.

At Ortiz's court hearing in Bristol on Friday, there was no mention of any other allegations against him, no reference to Hernandez and no discussion of Lloyd's homicide. It remained unclear if Ortiz was one of the two friends whom authorities say were with Hernandez when Lloyd was shot to death.

A friend and a relative of Ortiz said outside the courthouse that they were surprised by his arrest. They said Ortiz is the devoted father of two girls and a boy, all under the age of 9. Ortiz was unemployed recently, but previously worked a long time at a Savers clothing store, they said.

They also said they couldn't believe Ortiz could be part of a murder.

"He's not that type of person. He has a good heart," said friend Milton Montesdeoca, 24, of Bristol, who added he didn't know Hernandez and never heard Ortiz talk about the football star.

The Patriots, who cut Hernandez following his arrest, drafted him in 2010 and signed him last summer to a five-year contract worth $40 million.

He could face life in prison if convicted.


Associated Press writers Michelle R. Smith in Fall River, Mass., and Bridget Murphy in Boston contributed to this report.


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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Final gov't birth control rule for faith groups (The Arizona Republic)

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Senate advances immigration bill to brink

WASHINGTON (AP) ? The Senate advanced historic immigration legislation across the last procedural test Thursday and prepared to vote later in the day to pass the measure offering the prize of U.S. citizenship to millions.

Next up would be the House, where Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, has ruled out taking up the Senate bill and said the Republican-controlled chamber would chart its own version of the legislation with a focus on border security. Many House conservatives oppose the path to citizenship for people here illegally that's at the heart of the Senate bill.

The 68-32 tally on the final procedural Senate vote was well above the 60 votes required and indicates the bill commands the majority needed to pass the Senate and go to the House. Fourteen Republicans joined 52 Democrats and two independents in voting yes.

The bill is a top priority for President Barack Obama.

"It's landmark legislation that will secure our borders and help 11 million people get right with the law," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said on the Senate floor.

Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., countered that the bill doesn't ensure true border security since people here illegally can obtain a provisional legal status under the legislation before any security goals are accomplished. "This bill may pass the Senate today, but not with my vote. And in its current form, it won't become law," McConnell said.

At its core, the bill includes numerous steps to prevent future illegal immigration, while at the same time it offers a chance at citizenship to the 11 million immigrants now living in the country unlawfully.

It provides for 20,000 new Border Patrol agents, requires the completion of 700 miles of fencing and requires an array of high-tech devices to be deployed to secure the border with Mexico. Those security changes would be accomplished over a decade and would have to be in place before anyone in provisional legal status could obtain a permanent resident green card.

Businesses would be required to check on the legal status of prospective employees. Other provisions would expand the number of visas for highly skilled workers relied upon by the technology industry. A separate program would be established for lower-skilled workers, and farm workers would be admitted under a temporary program.

The basic legislation was drafted by four Democrats and four Republicans who met privately for months to produce a rare bipartisan compromise in a polarized Senate. They fended off unwanted changes in the Senate Judiciary Committee and then were involved in negotiations with Republican Sens. John Hoeven of North Dakota and Bob Corker of Tennessee on a package of tougher border security provisions that swelled support among Republicans.

But it will be difficult for any agreement to be reached between the Senate and the House on the legislation. Further complicating prospects, Boehner made clear Thursday that he did not intend to rely on Democratic votes to pass an immigration bill, a route that many advocates believed offered the best chance of the House producing legislation compatible with the Senate's product.

"The House is not going to take up and vote on whatever the Senate passes. We're going to do our own bill through regular order, and it'll be legislation that reflects the will of our majority and the will of the American people," Boehner told reporters. "And for any legislation, including a conference report, to pass the House, it's going to have to be a bill that has the support of the majority of our members."

In addition to their opposition to citizenship for people here illegally, many in the House prefer a piecemeal approach rather than a sweeping bill like the one the Senate is producing.

The House Judiciary Committee is in the midst of a piece-by-piece effort, turning its attention Thursday to a bill on high-skilled workers.

On Wednesday the committee signed off on legislation establishing a system to require all employers to check their workers' legal status on a faster timeframe than the Senate bill contemplates. And last week it approved two other measures, one establishing a new agricultural guest worker program and a second making illegal presence in the country a federal crime, instead of a civil offense as it is now.

None of the bills weighed by the Judiciary Committee contemplate a path to citizenship or even legalization for the millions already here.


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Researchers reformulate the model of mitochondrial function

June 27, 2013 ? The discovery confirms the model proposed by the team in 2008 to account for observations that could not be explained by the established model of mitochondrial function. Mitochondria are the organelles in the interior of cells that, among other functions, extract energy from nutrients and convert it into a form that can be used by the cell for its vital processes.

The consumption, digestion and assimilation of nutrients serves the ultimate purpose of fueling each and every cell in the body. The breakdown of nutrients in the digestive tract requires energy to release simple compounds from larger components: glucose from sugars and carbohydrates, amino acids from proteins, and fatty acids from fat. These breakdown products can enter cells and be processed in the mitochondria to release much larger quantities of energy that can be utilized.

According to Dr. Enr?quez, lead investigator on the study, "Understanding how cells generate energy is fundamental to understanding living systems, and for much of the last century this was a primary object of studies in biochemistry. By the beginning of the 80s the mystery of how mitochondria achieve this task was thought to be solved, and in the 90s the molecular structures responsible were resolved in incredible detail. This was considered to be one of the best understood processes in the cell."

This view was overturned by the description of mitochondrial diseases. Despite the impressive accumulation of knowledge of mitochondrial function, the models could not explain the symptoms of these diseases, and researchers were unable to predict who would develop these diseases or how severe they would be, or explain their origin and mechanism. As a consequence, it has not been possible to develop effective treatments.

This situation revealed that our knowledge of mitochondrial function was much less complete than had been believed and that our models were inadequate. Therefore research over the last ten years has been directed at providing a better understanding of this process.

The new study confirms the model proposed in 2008 by the group led by Dr. Enr?quez, who affirms that "this redefines our view of one of the most basic processes for life in all cells."

The energy released from the rupture of chemical bonds in food molecules is stored temporarily in the form of high energy electrons in two types of molecule, N and F, whose proportions vary depending on the nutrient source. By themselves, these molecules cannot provide a freely utilizable source of rapidly mobilized energy for the cell's needs; access to this stored energy requires the mitochondria, which uses five molecular machines, called complexes I, II, III, IV and V, to convert the energy stored in N and F molecules into the universal energy source ATP.

Until very recently these complexes were thought to float freely and independently in the internal membrane of mitochondria, without interacting. Work by Dr. Enriquez's group has now shown this view to be incorrect. "The five complexes do not always move independently in the membrane," explains Dr. Enr?quez. "On the contrary, they associate in distinct combinations called respiratory supercomplexes. Our work explains the functional consequences of these interactions."

The study shows that these associations are dynamic and are modified to optimize the extraction of energy from N and F molecules depending on their relative abundance, which in turn reflects the composition of foods consumed in the diet.

The Science study describes these supercomplexes and their functions. The significance of this, in the words of Dr. Enriquez, is that "the system for optimizing the extraction of energy from food molecules is much more versatile than was believed and can be modulated in unexpected ways in order to adjust to the dietary composition of nutrients or to the specialized function of particular cell types."

During the study the team also made the unexpected discovery that the most widely used mouse strain for laboratory genetic analysis is unable to correctly assemble the respiratory supercomplexes. This raises serious questions about the validity of extrapolating results obtained with these mice to humans.


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'Heat' breaks barriers as female buddy-cop film


5 hours ago

You have seen movies like ?The Heat.? But you?ve never seen a movie quite like ?The Heat.?

IMAGE: The Heat

Gemma La Mana / AP

Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy star in "The Heat," which is perhaps the first-ever buddy cop movie starring two women.

The buddy cop comedy, opening Friday and starring Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy, features a familiar plot, but a new twist. The buddies are both women.

These are not women who brunch and talk about their guy troubles or dream of getting married, or are planning pregnancy. These are tough single women who live for their law enforcement jobs and curse. Well, one does. McCarthy?s Det. Mullins is vulgar and wild and relishes making others uncomfortable. Bullock?s FBI Agent Ashburn is arrogant, uptight and doesn?t have much of a sense of humor. If they remind you of the guys in ?Lethal Weapon? or ?48 Hours,? you?re not alone.

?It?s just a fun comedy that you can swap two men for the women, and in that way it?s remarkable,? said Yael Kohen, author of ?We Killed: The Rise of Women in American Comedy.? ?It really is a very risky movie and exciting in a way. It?s not high-brow like ?Bridesmaids,? which also had an undercurrent of how women behave and relate. This movie doesn?t have any of that.?

When ?Bridesmaids? became a box-office smash in 2011, earning $300 million worldwide, critics declared it the beginning of a new era for women in leading roles. But two years later, most of the comedic roles for women are still of the romantic variety, with a sweet actress paired up with a leading man. ?The Heat,? which was directed by "Bridesmaids" Paul Feig, has now inherited the pressure. Even before the film hit theaters, screenwriter Katie Dippold (?Parks and Recreation?) was put to work on a sequel.

?At the end of the day, it?s a money question,? Kohen said. ?If ?The Heat,? does well, you?re more likely to see more (female buddie comedies) and you?re more likely to see the sequel.?

Comedies with two leading ladies were more popular in the 1980s than they are now, Kohen points out. Bette Midler starred in ?Outrageous Fortune" with Shelley Long in 1987 and in ?Big Business? with Lily Tomlin in 1988. That same year, Rebecca De Mornay and Mary Gross starred in what could have gone down in history as the first female buddy comedy but ?Feds? was a flop so no one remembers it. ?Thelma and Louise? in 1991 broke ground for women in film and had comedic elements though it was essentially a drama.

But, recently, Hollywood has been more apt to pair someone like Kate Hudson with Gael Garcia Bernal than with a female protagonist. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler stood out in 2008 when they starred in ?Baby Mama,? which won its opening weekend and grossed $60 million worldwide. But there hasn?t been a lead comedy female duo since.

?Hollywood thinks that men aren?t going to be interested in seeing the two women on the big screen,? Kohen said. ?They always want a leading man to help the woman open a movie. If ?The Heat,? doesn?t do well, I don?t think it?s necessarily that two women can?t open a movie. It could just be that people are not interested in that particular movie. But we know that?s not how it?s going to be viewed.?

"Heat" screenwriter Dippold, 33, told Kohen in an interview in Marie Claire that she wasn?t thinking about gender barriers or Hollywood tropes when she wrote the script. Growing up, she loved ?Running Scared? and ?Lethal Weapon,? and says, ?I always felt like those guys, the buddy cops, were so cool and badass and funny, and I always wanted to see two women like that.?

In that same vein, Bullock told Marie Claire that she was attracted to the script because Dippold did not restrict her character?s behavior according to gender expectations. "Katie wrote a story that required two human beings to be uncensored and not mind looking like idiots, something both women and men do on a daily basis,? Bullock said.

Bullock must have really liked what she read. Both she and McCarthy signed on to star in the movie just 10 days after Chernin Entertainment bought the script for $600,000. The movie is opening at record speed, only 20 months after Dippold completed the script. But even with such positive buzz, there?s still plenty of doubt among studio executives about whether two women can open an action buddy comedy, Kohen said.

?It?s hard enough to prove that one woman can open a movie let alone a duo,? Kohen said. ?It?s very ballsy for a movie to do and for a studio to make that decision. Executives are usually concerned with whether the audience will be overly estrogenized with two women in the lead. Well, ?The Heat? certainly is not that.?


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The Myth of the Komodo Dragon?s Dirty Mouth

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The Myth of the Komodo Dragon?s Dirty Mouth
In 1969, an American biologist named Walter Auffenberg moved to the Indonesia island of Komodo to study its most famous resident?the Komodo dragon. This huge lizard?the largest in the world?grows to lengths of 3 metres, and can take down large prey like deer and water buffalo. Auffenberg watched the dragons for a year and eventually published a book on their behaviour in 1981. It won him an award. It also enshrined a myth that took almost three decades to refute, and is still prevalent today.

Source: National Geographic
Posted on: Thursday, Jun 27, 2013, 8:51am
Views: 21


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Obama's ties to Mandela loom over S. Africa visit

FILE - This two-picture combination of file photos shows Nelson Mandela on Aug. 8, 2012, left, and President Barack Obama on May 31, 2013. It was as a college student that President Barack Obama began to find his political voice. Inspired by Nelson Mandela?s struggle against South Africa?s apartheid government, the young Obama joined campus protests against the white racist rule that kept Mandela locked away in prison for nearly three decades. Now a historic, barrier-breaking figure himself, Obama will arrive in South Africa Friday to find a country drastically transformed by Mandela?s influence, and a nation grappling with the beloved 94-year-old?s mortality. (AP Photo/File)

JOHANNESBURG (AP) ? Inspired by Nelson Mandela's struggles in South Africa, a young Barack Obama joined campus protests in the U.S. against the racist rule that kept Mandela locked away in prison for nearly three decades.

Now a historic, barrier-breaking figure himself, President Obama arrives in South Africa Friday to find a country drastically transformed by Mandela's influence ? and grappling with the beloved 94-year-old's mortality.

It was unclear whether Mandela's deteriorating health would prevent Obama from making a hospital room visit. The former South African leader is said to be in critical condition.

Speaking to reporters on Air Force One as he made his way to Johannesburg, Obama said he would gauge the situation when he arrived.


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Spain ruling party's ex-treasurer sent to jail in corruption case

By Teresa Larraz Mora

MADRID (Reuters) - A former treasurer for Spain's ruling People's Party was sent to jail without bail on Thursday as the High Court continues a pre-trial investigation into corruption charges against him.

Judge Pablo Ruz said that Luis Barcenas - who worked for the People's Party for almost three decades, mostly in the accounting department - had failed to explain the origin of up to 48 million euros held in Swiss bank accounts.

Ruz said Barcenas was a flight risk and could also pressure witnesses or destroy evidence.

Barcenas is the central figure in two major corruption scandals that have damaged the credibility of the ruling party and angered Spaniards who are struggling with a deep recession and high unemployment.

The 55-year-old has repeatedly said he is innocent of the charges against him and that his money came from legitimate business activities.

His lawyer Alfonso Trallero said he would file an appeal to try to get his client out of jail, El Pais newspaper reported.

Barcenas is charged with money laundering, bribery, tax fraud and other crimes in Ruz's investigation of a group of businessmen who put on campaign rallies and other events for the People's Party in exchange for kickbacks.

Ruz wrote in his 24-page order that he had unearthed up to 48 million euros in bank accounts linked to Barcenas in Switzerland and other countries.

The judge also said in the order that Barcenas had falsified documents and invented art deals to try to hide the source of the money.

Barcenas appeared before Ruz on Thursday in a closed-door hearing to answer questions regarding new accounts that were discovered in Switzerland and about the art deals.


Barcenas' explanations have been "partial, inconsistent and manifestly insufficient regarding the activities and movement of assets in his Swiss accounts, which he himself has been involved with", the judge wrote in his order.

Barcenas has been under investigation off and on for more than four years over the kickbacks inquiry, which Ruz said was approaching the trial phase. As an examining magistrate, Ruz both investigates the charges and presides at trial.

Several of the charges against Barcenas carry potential prison terms of six years each, and large fines. The anti-corruption prosecutor has asked the judge to order Barcenas to put up 28 million euros in guarantees to cover potential fines should he be convicted.

In a separate case Barcenas is also under investigation for allegedly running a People's Party slush fund that took donations from construction magnates and redistributed them in cash payments to party leaders.

In January, El Pais published excerpts of two decades of handwritten accounts - now known as the 'Barcenas Papers' - allegedly recording movements of cash in and out of the secret fund.

Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, former Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar and other top People's Party officials whose names appear in the Barcenas Papers have repeatedly denied receiving illegal payments.

Some party leaders have said the party paid them fixed expenses that were legal and reported on their tax declarations.

"As always the People's Party manifests its respect for judicial decisions in all proceedings," the party said in a one-line statement on Thursday.

Barcenas left the party in 2009, when he was first put under criminal investigation, but continued to receive severance pay on an installment plan until early this year.

(Writing by Fiona Ortiz; Editing by Julien Toyer and Pravin Char)


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Venezuela finds Italian fashion boss's crashed plane

CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela said on Thursday it had found the crashed plane of Italian fashion executive Vittorio Missoni that went missing in January after taking off from the Los Roques archipelago in the Caribbean six months ago.

The small, twin-engine aircraft carrying Missoni, 58, his wife Maurizia Castiglioni, another couple, a Venezuelan crew member, and the pilot disappeared after taking off on January 4.

"The plane that crashed on January 4 has appeared," Interior Minister spokesman Jorge Galindo said, confirming later to Reuters that it was Missoni's plane.

He said the aircraft had been found less than 3 nautical miles to the north of Key Carenero, one of the many keys that make up Los Roques.

A separate statement from Venezuela's attorney-general said the plane had been found at a depth of some 76 meters (240 feet).

The Missoni company said in a statement that the aircraft had been found with the aid of a U.S. oceanographic survey vessel.

Earlier this year, Italy's agency for flight security, ANSV, said its investigation had found that the airline that owned the plane was not fully licensed to operate and that the pilot's license had expired more than a month before the flight.

Missoni was the oldest child of the founders of the fashion house famous for its exuberantly colored knits, featuring bold stripes and zigzags. He was co-owner with siblings Luca and Angela, who handle the technical and design sides of the firm.

(Reporting by Mario Naranjo and Carlos Rawlins; Writing by Andrew Cawthorne; Editing by Vicki Allen)


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Friday, June 28, 2013

Weddings Used To Be Sacred And Other Lessons About Internet Journalism

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Alec Baldwin Could Have Anger Issues…

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Bombing in southern Pakistan kills 2

QUETTA, Pakistan (AP) ? A senior police official says a bomb has killed at least two people in a village in an area of southern Pakistan frequently hit by violence.

Fayyaz Sunmbol, the deputy inspector general of police in Quetta, says the blast Thursday morning in the village of Kuchlak also wounded five people.

The village is about 22 kilometers (13 miles) from Quetta, which is the capital of Baluchistan province.

Sunmbol says authorities are investigating whether it was a roadside bomb or a suicide bomber.

Baluchistan has been beset by violence from multiple groups. Baluch separatists often attack Pakistani military and government targets while Sunni Muslim extremist groups have repeatedly killed Shiite Muslims living in the region.

Many members of the Afghan Taliban also make their base in the province.


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Obama has short list to succeed Federal Reserve chairman Bernanke

By Steve Holland

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has assembled a short list of candidates to succeed Federal Reserve Bank chairman Ben Bernanke, a source familiar with the process said, and U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is running the search.

Bernanke is expected to leave when his second term ends on January 31, after an eventful eight years in helping the U.S. economy recover from the worst recession since the Great Depression.

President Barack Obama hinted in a television interview this month that Bernanke would step down, comparing him to longtime FBI Director Robert Mueller, who agreed to stay two years longer in the job than he had planned, and is now to leave.

Lew has assembled a short list with the help from several senior White House officials, the source said, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

There was no information on who is on the list, although Janet Yellen, Lawrence Summers and Timothy Geithner are considered to be likely leading choices.

"We decline to comment on speculation on any personnel matters until the President has made his decisions and is ready to announce them," said Amy Brundage, White House spokeswoman.

"The President believes that Chairman Bernanke is a vital and excellent partner in promoting our economic recovery and he continues to serve admirably and with distinction during this important time for our country," she said.

(Reporting by Steve Holland, writing by Douwe Miedema)


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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Recipe: Quintessential Chocolate Chip Cookies | Food & Drink | The ...

Makes 4 dozen cookies

1? cups all-purpose flour

? teaspoon baking soda

4 ounces/ 1 stick butter

? cup sugar

? cup light brown sugar, packed

? teaspoon salt

1 egg

1 teaspoon vanilla

8 ounces bittersweet chocolate, cut in 1-inch pieces (or use coins)

1. Sift together flour and baking soda and set aside. In the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream butter until lemony yellow, about two minutes. Scrape down sides of bowl and paddle. Add sugar, brown sugar and salt. Continue creaming mixture on medium speed until it is smooth and lump free, about one minute. Stop mixer and scrape down bowl and paddle.

2. Add egg and vanilla and beat on low speed for 15 seconds, or until fully incorporated. Don?t overbeat. Scrape down bowl and paddle.

3. On low speed, add sifted flour mixture. Beat slowly until all of the flour is incorporated. Scrape down bowl. Mix in chocolate chunks.

4. Heat oven to 350 degrees with a rack positioned in the lower third of the oven. Line two baking sheets with parchment. If baking right away, spoon heaping teaspoons of dough two inches apart onto sheets. If not baking right away, plop small spoonfuls of dough onto the middle of a sheet of parchment or wax paper, creating a log about 1? inches wide and 12 inches long. Fold parchment over, creating a sausage. Chill for at least one hour, preferably overnight. Using a serrated knife, slice into 1/3-inch-thick rounds and place two inches apart, in staggered rows, on parchment-lined baking sheets and proceed. (Dough will keep, tightly wrapped, in refrigerator for one week, or in freezer for one month. Thaw frozen dough at room temperature for 30 minutes before slicing.)

5. Bake 12 to 15 minutes, until lightly browned, rotating sheets from top to bottom and from front to back halfway through baking. Remove from heat and slide parchment off baking sheet and onto a work surface. Allow cookies to cool for at least five minutes before serving, or for at least 20 minutes before storing in an airtight container. They will keep for up to three days at room temperature.

Note: For even more chocolaty cookies, add another 1 to 2 ounces of chocolate. If you want flat, crispy cookies, tap baking sheets down on the back of the oven door when you go to turn them halfway through baking. This will cause the rising cookies to fall.

Adapted by Martha Rose Shulman of The New York Times from ?Desserts by the Yard? by Sherry Yard.


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Prosecutors want to admit calls in Zimmerman trial

SANFORD, Fla. (AP) ? Past police dispatcher calls made by George Zimmerman should be presented to jurors at his second-degree murder trial since they show his state of mind and provide context to his fatal encounter with 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, a prosecutor argued Tuesday.

Prosecutor Richard Mantei told a Florida judge that the five calls are central to the prosecution's argument that he committed second-degree murder since it shows his growing ill will at people he viewed as suspicious who were walking through his neighborhood.

The calls made in the six months before Zimmerman fatally shot Martin on Feb. 26, 2012, reflect the neighborhood watch volunteer's growing frustration with repeated break-ins at his gated community of townhomes and plays into the prosecution's theory that his view of Martin as a suspicious character was "the straw that broke the camel's back," Mantei said.

Defense attorney Mark O'Mara argued that the calls were irrelevant and that no previous incidents matter except the seven or eight minutes prior to when Zimmerman fired the deadly shot into Martin's chest.

"They're going to ask the jury to make a leap from a good, responsible, citizen behavior to seething behavior," O'Mara said of the prosecution's depiction of Zimmerman's actions.

Judge Debra Nelson said she would make a ruling after reviewing prior cases. The lawyers presented their arguments with the jury out of the courtroom.

Zimmerman, 29, could get life in prison if convicted of second-degree murder for gunning down Martin as the black teenager, wearing a hoodie on a dark, rainy night, walked from a convenience store through the gated townhouse community where he was staying. Zimmerman is pleading not guilty, claiming self-defense.

The case took on racial dimensions after Martin's family claimed that Zimmerman had racially profiled the teen and that police were dragging their feet in bringing charges. Zimmerman, who identifies himself as Hispanic, has denied the confrontation had anything to do with race.

The prosecution began opening statements Monday in the long-awaited murder trial with shocking language, repeating obscenities Zimmerman uttered while talking to a police dispatcher moments before the deadly confrontation.

The defense opened with a knock-knock joke about the difficulty of picking a jury for a case that stirred nationwide debate over racial profiling, vigilantism and Florida's expansive laws on the use of deadly force.

Prosecutor John Guy portrayed the then-neighborhood watch volunteer as a vigilante, saying, "Zimmerman thought it was his right to rid his neighborhood of anyone who did not belong."

Defense attorney Don West told jurors a different story: Martin sucker-punched Zimmerman and then pounded his head against the concrete sidewalk, and that's when Zimmerman opened fire.


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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

On anniversary of Korea War, cyber fireworks fly

On the 63rd anniversary of the Korean War that divided the peninsula, hackers hit systems in both North and South Korea.

By Whitney Eulich,?Staff writer / June 25, 2013

A man walks by a gate at Cyber Terror Response Center of National Police Agency in Seoul, South Korea, Tuesday, June 25. South Korea said multiple government and private sector websites were hacked on Tuesday's anniversary of the start of the Korean War, and Seoul issued a cyberattack alert warning officials and citizens to take security measures.

Lee Jin-man/AP


? A daily summary of global reports on security issues.

Skip to next paragraph Whitney Eulich

Latin America Editor

Whitney Eulich is the Monitor's Latin America editor, overseeing regional coverage for and the weekly magazine. She also curates the Latin America Monitor Blog.

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As the Korean Peninsula awoke to commemorate the 63rd anniversary of the start of the Korean War today, major government and media websites in both North and South Korea appeared to be under electronic attack.

Seoul said it was investigating cyber attacks on the websites for the presidential Blue House, prime minister?s office, and a handful of major media organizations. The South Korean intelligence service is also looking into whether or not the shutdown of some North Korean sites was due to being hacked, reports The Associated Press.

According to South Korea's Arirang News, a message referring to North Korean president appeared on screens in Seoul?s presidential office this morning: ?Hurrahs to Kim Jong-un, the president of a unified Korea!?

It is unclear who is responsible for these attacks and if they are linked. The hacker group ?Anonymous? has warned that it would target North Korea due to its strict controls over Internet access, specifically citing today?s date, reports The New York Times.

Less than 1 percent of North Koreans have access to the Internet.

There are reports of Twitter users claiming responsibility for the attacks in the South today, ?demanding that the Seoul government stop censoring Internet content and that its intelligence agency apologize for a recent political scandal in which government intelligence agents were accused of engaging in an online campaign to attack opposition candidates ahead of the Dec. 19, presidential election,? reports the Times.

Earlier this year a much more serious breach of Internet security in South Korea took down an estimated 48,000 computers and servers at banks and media institutions. Some banks were hamstrung for up to five days. North Korea was accused of being behind the cyber attack, the seventh such accusation from the South since 2008.

?Cyber attacks are much easier weapons for North Korea as they cost far less than missiles or nuclear tests, but they can send more people into a real panic,? Park Choon Sik, a Seoul Women?s University professor of cyber security, told Bloomberg at the time.

This last attack, in March, came just weeks after the United Nations slapped North Korea with renewed sanctions for conducting nuclear tests. Tensions heightened on the peninsula as a military hotline connecting the two countries was cut off, threats were made to close an important shared industrial complex, and North Korea warned of severing the Korean War armistice. The rhetoric of war went so far as to implicate a potential nuclear attack on various US cities.

According to The Christian Science Monitor?s correspondent in Seoul:

For all its bombast, North Korea may actually be?reluctant to enter into a military conflict with the South and its US allies because of the alliance?s superior military strength. But cyberattacks can be harmful, create a climate of fear, and avoid any direct consequences.???

This type of attack suits North Korea.

?Cyberwar is right up their street. It?s cheap and deniable,? says Aidan Foster Carter, a Korea expert at the University of Leeds.

South Korea may also have ?more to lose? than North Korea if ?the inter-Korean conflict were to move into cyberspace,? reports a separate AP story. There are more Internet connections than there are people in South Korea, according to 2012 OECD data.

?Many daily tasks [in South Korea] are performed online, from banking and the purchasing of movie or train tickets to social interactions. As such, South Koreans have a lot to lose from a malicious attack on the country?s IT infrastructure,? according to the Monitor.?

Tens of thousands of people gathered in Kim Il-sung Square in North Korea?s capital to commemorate the start of the three-year-long Korean War and protest the United States today, according to AP. Thousands gathered in South Korea to mark the date, with military drills taking place near the demilitarized zone between the two countries, as well.?


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Violence kills 27 in minority region of west China

(AP) ? Assailants attacked police and other people with knives and set fire to police cars in China's restive far-western region on Wednesday in violence that killed 27 people, one of the bloodiest incidents since unrest in the regional capital killed nearly 200 in 2009.

The early-morning violence ? described by state media as riots ? also left at least three people injured in a remote area of the Turkic-speaking Xinjiang region, the official Xinhua News Agency said. Police stations, a government building and a construction site were targeted in the attacks, it said.

Xinhua said the attackers stabbed victims and set fires, killing 17 people including nine police or security officials, before officers shot and killed 10 of the assailants in Lukqun, a township in Turpan prefecture. The agency cited officials with the region's Communist Party committee.

Xinjiang (shihn-jeeahng) is home to a large population of minority Muslim Uighurs (WEE'-gurs) but is ruled by China's Han ethnic majority. The region borders Central Asia, Afghanistan and Pakistan and has been the scene of numerous violent incidents in recent years, including ethnic riots four years ago in Urumqi, the regional capital.

Xinhua did not provide details about the cause of the unrest and it was impossible to independently confirm the report. Information is tightly controlled in the region, which the Chinese government regards as highly sensitive and where it has imposed a heavy security presence to quell unrest. However, forces are spread thin across the vast territory and the response from authorities is often slow.

An official reached by phone at the press office of the Xinjiang Public Security Bureau, the region's police, said she had only seen news of the violence on the Internet and had no information. Other officials at the county's propaganda department and police said they also had no details. Calls to the region's government spokeswoman, Hou Hanmin, rang unanswered.

Though it remained unclear what caused Wednesday's violence, police stations, government offices and other symbols of Han Chinese authority have been targets of attacks in the past. The attack occurred at 6 a.m., when most residents would still be asleep.

The report said three assailants were seized, and that police pursued fleeing suspects, though it did not say how many. It said three people were injured by the unrest and were being treated.

A man in Lukqun contacted by phone said the area has been cordoned off and armed police officers were posted at road intersections. Police, anti-riot forces and paramilitary police were patrolling the town armed with pistols and machine guns, said the man, who refused to give his name out of fear of government reprisals.

"People are not being allowed to walk around on the streets," he said before disconnecting the call.

The violence came two months after a deadly clash in a town near Kashgar, elsewhere in Xinjiang, killed 21 people, including 15 police officers and community workers.

Uighur activist Dilxat Raxit, spokesman for the Germany-based World Uyghur Congress, said Wednesday's violence was triggered by Chinese government policies of "sustained repression and provocation" of the Uighur community.

Many Uighurs say they suffer discrimination in jobs and in obtaining loans and passports, and that Beijing imposes tight restrictions on their religious and cultural life. Children and women are barred from attending mosques, and fasting is discouraged during the Muslim month of Ramadan, which starts this year in early July.

The Chinese government says all ethnic groups are treated equally and points to billions of dollars in investment that has modernized Xinjiang, a strategically vital region with significant oil and gas deposits.

Duncan Innes-Ker, an analyst at Economist Intelligence Unit, said the latest unrest shows that the government needs a new strategy to resolve ethnic and religious tensions in Xinjiang.

"Its past efforts to address them with tight security and economic development have been a manifest failure," Innes-Ker said.

The township of Lukqun is about 250 kilometers (150 miles) southeast of Urumqi along the ancient Silk Road connecting China to Europe. It is part of an area that includes Turpan, a tourist destination with distinctive Central Asian architecture.

Associated Press


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Heart failure survivors at greater risk for cancer, study shows

June 25, 2013 ? Heart failure patients are surviving more often with the heart condition but they are increasingly more likely to be diagnosed with cancer, a trend that could be attributed to increased surveillance, side effects of treatments, or other causes, according to a study published online today in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

"Heart failure patients are not only at an increased risk for developing cancer, but the occurrence of cancer increases mortality in these patients," explained Dr. Veronique Roger, MD, director of the Mayo Clinic Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery and co-author of the study. "These findings underscore the importance of cancer surveillance in the management of heart failure patients."

Researchers conducted the study using medical records from the Rochester Epidemiology Project, which links the inpatient and outpatient records from all providers used by the population of Olmsted County, Minn. The study included 596 patients with heart failure paired with the same number of similar healthy subjects.

The study looked at two 11-year time periods. Patients diagnosed with heart failure between 1979 and 1990 had a 48 percent increased risk of cancer, while patients diagnosed between 1991 and 2002 had an 86 percent increased risk. Roger and colleagues suggest several possible causes for the increased risk of cancer in heart failure patients, including side effects of cardiovascular treatments, or stress from illness or other mechanisms associated with the physiology of heart failure such as inflammation.

Investigators stress the importance of the findings in the treatment and management of heart failure, concluding patients should be monitored closely for signs of cancer.

"These findings also illustrate the importance of multi-morbidity among patients living with chronic diseases and support the concept of providing holistic rather than disease-based care," the authors said.

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