Friday, June 21, 2013

Odd jobs small business

Your assumption is correct: vagueness isn't going to help you.

Keep it simple to start. Let your parents' friends and know that you're available for a range of activities they might need and see what they need (it's a good test market to see demand). Then, pick one or two activities that you want to focus on and create flyers and start pushing them everywhere, including the bulletin board of the local grocery/mini-mart or subdivision bulletin boards, people's mailboxes, etc.

BTW, big mistake I've seen firsthand: I am getting flyers from kids in the neighborhood for dog sitting. The problem was they didn't put the flyers out until AFTER school let out, and we already had our first couple of trips planned and had to commit to putting our dogs somewhere before the flyers hit our mailbox. So they lost business they could have won had they thought ahead. So think ahead: what's going to happen to all the other kids when it comes time to go back to school? They're also going to let their "business" slide. So that's where you can pick up new work.


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