Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Seeking Help for Addiction: Five Reasons Not To Wait

Help for addiction may be difficult to ask for, but it is be worth it. As a woman battling an addiction to alcohol or some other type of mind-altering substance, you may find yourself at a juncture where you contemplate seeking professional help for addiction. The fact that you?re thinking about getting help symbolizes that you?re a strong woman who is on the right track. Today, we?ll talk about five reasons why you should go ahead and seek treatment as soon as possible.

Although you may have at least some desire to seek professional assistance, you continue to come up with innumerable reasons why you should put off seeking help for addiction. As is the case with many other women quite like you, these excuses may include professional or work-related responsibilities, family obligations, or even what you perceive as a social stigma attached to seeking professional addiction treatment.

1. Addiction is a progressive condition

Do not fool yourself; addiction is a progressive condition that can worsen over time if you fail to seek appropriate assistance and treatment. Women the world over often avoid finding treatment because they cling to the belief that things will get better, that their situation will improve. Addiction is not a condition or illness that you can effectively beat on your own.

2. Delay negatively impacts primary relationships

Your primary relationships might already have been impacted negatively by your addiction. Because addiction becomes progressively worse over time, your significant relationships may continue to degrade over time without help for addiction. Indeed, unhealthy relationships may become the norm in your life as those individuals who truly care for you and are a positive part of your existence are driven away because of your state.

3. Waiting jeopardizes your physical health

If you are considering your situation from a relatively honest perspective, you may understand that your use of alcohol or mind-altering substances has taken a physical toll on you. Imagine what will happen if you don?t get help; your physical health could continue to deteriorate.

4. It can harm your emotional and mental well being

Similarly, your emotional and mental health are likely to worsen, and significantly so, if you continue to put off seeking help for addiction. In addition, many people self-medicate to a significant degree as this occurs, which results in a heightening of your addictive behavior.

5. You owe it to yourself to be well

Finally, you owe it to yourself to seek assistance for addiction today. Only through treatment will you be able to regain your life and live it to its full potential.

If you or a woman you love is having problems with drug abuse, chemical dependency or addiction, drug rehab for women may be the answer.? Remember that seeking help for addiction and alcohol abuse treatment means learning how to cope with intensely emotional situations, and identifying when you need help and support.? Treatment for addiction relapse, counseling, and aftercare can help you do this, so please call us today at 1-866-808-7111.? Destination Hope: The Women?s Program is a full service addiction and women?s health treatment facility in Florida for women who suffer from substance abuse and behavioral health issues.

Source: http://www.womensdrugrehab.com/blog/2013/06/seeking-help-for-addiction-five-reasons-not-to-wait/

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