Tuesday, July 23, 2013

London to get stormy as thunder and lightning arrives to break heatwave

Lightning strikes behind The London Eye as storms broke the heatwave in the capital. Picture: Lewis Whyld/PA Wire Lightning strikes behind The London Eye as storms broke the heatwave in the capital. Picture: Lewis Whyld/PA Wire

Tuesday, July 23, 2013
9:11 AM

Forecasters say strong and violent storms will mark the end of London?s three-week heatwave which saw the hottest temperature in seven years recorded in the capital.

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Thunder, lightning and hail began overnight and will last intermittently throughout today and tomorrow, coupled with torrential rain and the risk of flash floods.

The sharp change in weather comes after weeks of scorching temperatures, which yesterday peaked at 33.5C at Heathrow, the hottest day in the UK since July 20, 2006.

The storms will thunder across most of the country but forecasters say London, Kent and the East Midlands will see the worst of the weather.

Temperatures will dip to the high 20s and remain very humid in the South East, whereas the rest of the UK will be far cooler.

Forecaster Brendan Jones of MeteoGroup said: ?In the last few weeks an area of high pressure has hung over the UK creating settled, very hot conditions.

?But now air is pushing in from the Atlantic and meeting this humid air, and the combination is causing these strong and violent storms that will last on and off throughout the day and linger into Wednesday.

?The main threat is of flash flooding from localised but torrential rain, especially as the ground is so dry and solid it will not soak up the water very easily.?

He also said there will be plenty of lightning strikes, some of which were captured lighting up the London sky overnight.

By next week the temperature is expected to settle in the low 20s.

Source: http://www.london24.com/london_to_get_stormy_as_thunder_and_lightning_arrives_to_break_heatwave_1_2292913

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