Friday, July 19, 2013

Pine Bakery Sample | -

Small start up businesses today may find themselves overwhelmed by the expectations of customers that there be some kind of web presence for every possible product or service. Whether it?s a social media page or business website, potential customers want to be able to learn more about a product, view the product and even purchase the product using the internet.

Luckily many services are available today for both large and small companies looking to build a web presence. However these services will often require a monthly or yearly subscription cost. Smaller companies may not always be able to afford this especially if it?s a ?self business?, meaning a business run and executed by a single person.In addition the level of web presence needed by a business may vary. A small start-up business may not necessarily need a full online store ( for example ) to get a business started, just a small website or page to promote products.

Individuals may also just be looking to use online promotion to make some extra money on the side. I personally know of a few individuals who have wanted to simply promote a product or service like catering or baking to locals in their community. It?s not a full out business they wished to establish just simply make a few dollars on the side for everyday costs. Knowing I have a background in web design, I have been approached by a few of these individuals looking to see what I could build for them for a relatively low price.

Therefore, as a sample of my work and what I could offer them and other small start-up businesses, I created simple demo webpages like the Pine Bakery Sample.

The concept behind the Pine Bakery Sample is of a small independently owned and run neighborhood bakery that wishes to provide general information about products and their location to the public. Rather than spending time and resources pursuing a single TV commercial, radio commercial and newspaper ad(s) to promote, the website would offer an ongoing promotional tool alongside a social media page and word of mouth. The website would also have the benefit of providing much more information about products and can be updated anytime.

To keep costs significantly down the Pine Bakery Sample and other site built around the concept would rely heavily on HTML an CSS which ensures compatibility across different web devices and reduce the cost and time of managing. I would volunteer to get their site started and make any occasional updates needed. They could also take full control over the managing of their site if they wished to by working with the basic HTML code directly or using a type of html editor. i could also easily transfer the simple HTML/CSS design into a basic WordPress theme. As for the appearence and layout of the design, I would try to develop the design so that it reflected the type of product, as well as the colors and logo(s) of the business. I would hover encourage it be kept minimal in order to make the managing process simpler and updates faster.

?Visit the Pine Bakery Sample


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