Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Selig: Baseball enjoying 'golden era'

NEW YORK ? Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig on Monday pushed back on the notion that baseball faces fierce competition - especially from football - in engaging sports fans, saying that the game is in a ?golden era.?

?All I know is, we?re in a golden era,? Selig said, speaking at a POLITICO Playbook breakfast event here at the Bank of America tower. ?We are in numbers that nobody could have dreamed possible.?

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Selig: Baseball ?cleaner than ever?

At the event, presented by Bank of America, the commissioner pointed to successful gross revenue and attendance figures. When POLITICO?s Mike Allen said that NFL football could give baseball a run for the money in terms of market share, Selig also noted that baseball enjoys significant coverage on television.

?So obviously these television people think that the sport is very attractive,? he said. ?Now attendance: minor league?s breaking records, major league?s breaking records.?

In a wide-ranging interview, Selig touched on subjects as diverse as steroid use in baseball ? he wouldn?t comment on pending investigations but pledged that the sport is ?cleaner than it?s ever been? ? , his leadership philosophy (?consensus works; it does require patience?) and his preferred at-bat song (?Like a Bridge Over Troubled Water,? he quipped to laughs).

Selig, who reflected on his long relationship with baseball and the ups and downs of his career, also said he plans to write a book tied to his experiences with the game.

?I wanted to be a history professor, this may be my one chance do that,? he said, noting that he has ?hundreds, hundreds? of boxes of notes. He added that he wants to get going on the project but ?I don?t have time. I?m looking forward to it.?

Source: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/07/bud-selig-baseball-enjoying-golden-era-94197.html

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